Amie S.

Cancer Diagnosis: Breast Cancer
My Cancer Planner: Received January 2024
Location: NC
Her Story: In the midst of the holiday season, three days before Christmas, I received the news of having multiple masses in my breast with lymph node involvement. The air seemed to freeze, and the words painted a grim picture – a picture that made me feel as if hope had been extinguished. The doctor's demeanor conveyed a sense of finality, and as I left the office, I carried the weight of despair. That drive home echoed with the anticipation of my children's footsteps rushing to greet me, a routine filled with love and innocence that suddenly felt fragile. It was the worst, most crippling car ride of my entire life. 
    As I navigated through the swirling thoughts, the darkness settled in. I couldn't escape the haunting idea that this might be my last Christmas with Asher (6), Willa (4), and Tripp, my husband. The fear of not being there next year for those precious moments overshadowed everything. How could this happen, I just turned 42?! I’m too young to say goodbye to my kids. What if they don’t remember me? I thought I had more time! All the things you think you would feel, you definitely feel multiplied by a million. 
In the depths of despair, a realization struck: I’m not facing this journey alone. Despite overwhelming fear, I felt the presence of something greater, a divine reassurance that God's hand was with me and it always had been. 
    As the new year dawned, the diagnosis confirmed Stage 2 metastatic breast cancer, but with it came a newfound strength and an unwavering belief that, with faith and resilience, I could overcome the challenges that lay ahead. While it's incredible that my cancer is treatable, I find greater significance in attributing all glory to God. If my journey becomes a source of healing for even one person, it makes facing cancer worthwhile. 
My children will know their mom as a warrior, fiercely fighting to be present with them and to exemplify the strength and compassion of Jesus in every battle faced. Embracing this path, I've come to see that cancer is an integral part of my journey, and I wouldn't alter it because the lessons and connections forged along the way are invaluable.
Testimonial: The cancer advocate planner designed by Bridget has truly been a game-changer in my breast cancer journey. Despite being a nurse, the intricacies of managing my own care can be overwhelming. This planner has provided me with a structured approach, reminding me of key questions to ask my care team, helping me stay on top of appointments, and providing a sense of control even when I feel powerless. My planner has been more of a companion rather than a tool, offering me a tangible way to navigate through uncertainty and giving me control in the face of adversity. Its thoughtful design and comprehensive content have made an invaluable impact on my experience, and I'm immensely grateful for the support it has offered me.
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