Kathy B.

Cancer Diagnosis: Esophageal Cancer

My Cancer Planner: Received January 2024

Location: NC

Testimonial: "If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, this Cancer Planner is a must have.  I was diagnosed in 2020 with breast cancer.  I underwent surgery and chemotherapy and have been in remission since then.  I remember the day they told me I had cancer.  My mind was all over the place.  Between all the appointments with the surgeon and oncologist I just couldn't think straight and keep track of what was going on and when.  Recently I started having a whole new set of symptoms.  I had many visits with a GI doctor and an EGD was ordered.  I could hardly breath when I got the call that said that cancer was found once again. 

    After almost a month they confirmed that this was a new cancer, esophageal cancer.  While I fought cancer and survived before this was a totally new cancer of which I knew nothing.  A wonderful, beautiful person in my life gifted me with the Cancer Planner.  This has been so helpful for me and for my loved ones.  All the meetings with the surgeons I had lists of questions to ask.  I can keep track each day as to how I feel and what symptoms I'm having.  How much I eat and drink each day.  There is no more guessing.  So every time I visit the doctor I have my planner with me and can tell them exactly what day and what symptom and how long I slept etc.  My husband can look to check for all my upcoming appointments.  There is a list of all the doctor's that are treating me and what they are responsible for with their phone numbers so if he needs to he can contact them.  My new journey is just beginning but I feel like I have more control over what is happening than I did the last time.  I have motivational quotes to read that keep me going.  I absolutely love this and highly recommend that anyone who has a recent cancer diagnosis should get this planner."

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